Hair Tips For Your Little Darlings

Little girls care just as much about their appearance as their moms do and combined with the constant media messages that you have to be blonde and thin to be beautiful, I truly believe that we have to start early to make young women feel confident with their look.

In any case, caring for hair for the under 10 set is easy when you know the right tips and tricks for keeping it healthy, shiny and bubble gum free.

When playing outdoors, working on craft projects, etc. itโ€™s best to keep long hair up in a ponytail or back in a braid to keep hair from becoming tangled or soaked in paint or glue.

Avoid using rubber bands, which can get tangled in the hair and opt for silicone coated, or cloth covered hair elastics instead.

After a day at the beach or pool, rinse hair with mineral water, which will help to wash away salt watch and chlorine residue, which is drying and causes knots and tangles.

Chewing gum stuck in the hair? Put down those scissors and grab an ice cube or some peanut butter instead. The ice will freeze the gum, allowing it to slide out of the hair, while the oils in the peanut butter will help to remove the gum without having to cut it out.

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